Wednesday, July 15, 2020

I have about zero hope that I can get this post online. My MacBook is in the shop due to the fact that although I like vodka and soda, the MacBook does not seem to tolerate that particular beverage very well, especially when administered via side ports. 
Also, for whatever reason my app to post via my phone is being janky and cranky and will not fucking post! 
Unless you’re reading this in which case it did. 
But I am writing the post anyway because I am addicted to my evening blog writing and that’s the simple truth. 

All is well here in Lloyd except for the technical difficulties. I had to go to town today to deliver my magical blogging machine to the Computer Doctors which for some reason was very anxiety-producing. The guy behind the desk wore a mask but at one point when he was focusing on what he was doing with my laptop, he pulled it down under his chin and the room we were in was rather small. 
I did find out that my MacBook is 8-12 years old which is older than I thought it was. The flight of time is fantastical, isn’t it?

Aside from that, life continues as usual. Dottie and Dearie are still a darling holy mother and child unit, traveling the yard. The little peep is replacing down with feathers and still is lighter than a fleeting wish when I pick her up to put her in her baby coop at night or lift her out in the morning. Mr. Moon has been shelling peas as if it was his job. He’s taking a break from that right now to mow the yard. The green beans are still producing over-well, the zinnias are blooming, the pine cone lilies are putting out their beautiful cones, the young hens are not yet laying, the cucumbers seem to be infested with the damn vine-borers, the mosquitoes are still hungry, I have many eggplant swelling and ripening in their magnificent aubergine way, I actually bought tomatoes today and I still love my husband dearly and daily I find more reasons to do so. 

I guess this is enough. I really doubt that these words are going to get published but it has soothed me to write them. 

I hope all is well with each and every one of you. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. If I'd only known, I could have had my own daily fix. Scroll down to Mary Moon in the blog roll and read my way up to Mary Moon today. Routines are wonderful, too. If you inundate another laptop, I hope you remember this link. I'll spread the word.

  2. Hi Mary! It was good to read this. :)

  3. I found you! Good luck with the laptop!
